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 海运进口经营范围 - 上海润衡国际物流有限公司



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海运出口经营范围 海运进口经营范围 陆运服务 空运服务 仓储服务 报关服务 贸易代理 海外服务

Traditional services:
FCL/LCL; air freight warehouse direct delivery; the production and management of customs clearance documents; commodity inspection, animal and plant quarantine, and health quarantine; goods pick-up and delivery
2)延伸服务:润衡国际可提供食品收发货人备案、食品生产企业注册办理 、原标签审核、原标签翻译及中文标签制作、3C目录外、能效鉴定、特殊贸易报关(ATA单证册、修理物品、暂时进出口),并可针对客户需求定制进口物流方案。
Extended services:
food of shippers’ and consignees’ filing; registration of food production enterprises; review and translation of the label; making of Chinese label; the products out of 3C (China Compulsory Certification) content; energy efficiency appraisal; special trade customs declaration (temporary import and export, repair items, and ATA Carnet ); customized import logistics solutions
3)清关服务品类:酒类、饮料、休闲零食、坚果果干、食用油、奶粉、食品原料等;食品器械类、食品机械类、其他机械设备等;玩具, 餐具、刀具、杯具等。
Customs clearance service category:
wine, beverage, leisure food, nuts and dried fruit, cooking oil, milk powder, raw food material, food machinery, toys, tableware, cutters and cups